Monday, May 21, 2018

Sunday Photo Round Up (on a Monday): May 21st, 2018

Sunday Photo Round Up

Ooops, I day late again. Just ran out of time. We went to Rock City Park with Venture Club yesterday, which was a lot of fun, but I sort of ran out of time.

Sunday Photo Round Up is where I share the pictures I have taken during the week for the photo-a-day challenges I am participating in. This month I am taking photos for the following challenges: Photo a Day from Fat Mum Slim, the challenge with the Crew, and a new one from Intentional Homeschooling.

May 13: Family

Had a wonderful Mother's Day. "Surprise" visit from part of my family: Steven, Ashley, and baby Annika. They surprised us by showing up at the special Mother's Day breakfast at church. Then we spent the day with them. Was given some lovely flowers and cards. Then went to visit hubby's mom.

May 14: Late

I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date...

May 15: I wish...

I wish at least one of these many many future wishes had been in puff form. As it is, it was quite the field of future wishes over at the park yesterday.

May 16: Speed

A girl or two mowing the lawn, seeing how speedy they can be.

May 17: Kind

One little boy being kind and giving his mommy a flower. 

May 18: Doors & Windows

So, my daughter and I want to know, are these doors or windows that she is looking through in her castle made of cards? 

May 19: Breathtaking

The breathtaking beauty of new blossoms on the trees in springtime.

Then there is the challenge I am doing with the 
Homeschool Review Crew

May 13: Mom

Got to call my mom for Mother's Day, and we got to go visit hubby's mom. Was hard to get her to focus on getting a picture, but I did get a few decent shots. Here is one of our favorites.

May 14: Meal

One of my favorite meals. Trim Healthy Mama friendly S meal. Parmesan chicken, zucchini noodles fried up in butter, green beans. 

May 15: Grass

Grass with some abandoned shoes. Well, not really abandoned. They were taking their shoes off to wade in the river yesterday. 

May 16: Girl

A girl or two mowing the lawn, seeing how speedy they can be.

May 17: Boy

One little boy being kind and giving his mommy a flower. 

May 18: Keys

Had to use the hubby's car keys the other day, as I didn't want to hunt for mine. For some reason he thought he needed them back so he could get to work.

May 19: New

The breathtaking beauty of new blossoms on the trees in springtime.

This one is from Intentional Homeschooling. 
(This challenge does not have prompts for the weekend.)

May 14: Language Arts

It is technically our no-school week, but we have some review products we still need to be working with. So the children listened to/read their new stories for Home School Navigator. The girls were reading The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales by Jon Scieszka, one I've never heard of. 

May 15: History:

Love being able to learn about #history from fun audio dramas from @heirloomaudioofficial. I wasn't sure which one I wanted to listen to in the van yesterday, so I grabbed them all. We then decided on Under Drake's Flag, the first one we ever received, and still my favorite.

May 16: Second Language

I did not get a picture for this prompt. I realized we haven't been working on a second language at all. We have so many different materials, but just haven't been able to fit this extra subject in lately.

May 17: Science

Seeing as it is a no-school week, we haven't had any scheduled science lessons, however, we did go down to the boat launch today to wade in the river (well the kids waded) and they were picking up rocks to see what they could find. They remember doing this from past summer reading programs.

May 18: Math

So, still our no school week. But kids were playing games today. They need to use math to be able to count spaces right?

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